Essential Question

How can an artist best use Mexican folk art as an inspiration for their pieces?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

- (a) I, Gohan Quiroz, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work
- (b) Graciela Nardi
 DirectorLatino Art Museum 
281 S. Thomas St. Suite 105
Pomona, CA 91766
Art Colony Pomona 

- (c) Independent Component Log 
- (d) Portfolio

I believe my art was a total of 30 hours because I did not rush through just to finish. I corrected all the mistakes for example if the angle of the head was off I would erase everything and start over. Or If the nose, or eyes were uneven then I would have to go back and fix it. My last example will be the sketch that I painted. At first I wanted to make it black and white. I painted all her hair black and realized that it looked extremely dead. So with the suggestion of my sister I repainted everything to add colors on her hair instead of making it dark. I believe my art is worth 30 hours because I really do put a lot of effort into my drawings. My father and I are the only artist in the family that focus more on portraits. I put a lot of effort into them because my father never spends enough time sketching me, he's just created some type of Picasso drawing. I want to be able fully capture the subject I'm drawing until it is perfect.

The component helped me better understand the foundation of my topic by all the different art that I produced. For example, with Mexican folk art, there are many different ways to make your art. Whether its your own creation or someone else's. I learned that you need to experiment with all in order to find what your goal in art. Like my father, he experimented with cubism, surreal paintings, realist, simple drawing like Picasso etc. After experimenting with all, you need to find where you belong whether its a combination of  two or three art techniques or just one. Used techniques that I would've never used before. For example, distortion, I would've never used this type of art because I do not like the whole idea of distorted faces but I learned how to do it and tried it out. Another example will be Posada's skeletons, these are really popular in Mexico. Some people master the whole idea of skeletons but some don't. The drawing helped me understand how important it is to have a good quality skeleton in order to stand out from all the other artist.

Final product





My beautiful mum


Jasmin: Finished

I used a slightly distorted style like my dad. He was teaching me.


Posada Skeletons Finished

Posada Skeletons Outlined

Final Amate bird

Amate bird outlined

Sketching of Amate type bird


Volunteering at LAM

Monday, January 14, 2013

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

1. What is the most important factor when making mexican folk art?
2. What do you think is mexican folk art?
3. How does it play a part in Mexican history?
4. Is creativity an  important factor in mexican folk art?
5. What qualities does mexican folk art than other types of folk art?
6. How does tradition play a part in mexican folk art?
7. What influence does folk art play in Mexico?
8. What are popular folk arts today?Why are they so popular?
9. When you think of mexican folk art, what comes to mind?
10. In your opinion what is the best mexican folk art? Why?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 Hour Check

1. The Latino Art Museum
2. Contact:
Graciela H. Nardi
Latino Art Museum 
281 S. Thomas St. Suite 105
Pomona, CA 91766
Art Colony Pomona 
3.Total Hours: 20 hours and 50 min
4. I help set up and organize the museum for different exhibits. I also help buy attending fundraisers for the museum and help sell food will we are hosting these events.