1. Effective Learner, Effective Communicator
2. For effective learner I create my own folk art. For example I create my own paper mache figures based off of what I learned from my research. When creating the Sermel method of making papier mache figures I go step by step of what I learned from the article in order to get a good qualtiy folk art. I also research other ways to create different types of folk art for example papel picado, wooden carving or even pinatas. I learn how other artist create their art and try to experiment with it and learn from them.
For effective communicator, when I volunteer with my mentor I'm always surrounded by artists and other interns, its my job to communicate with them to place their art piece in the appropriate place or simply get along with the interns and my mentor to create a good enviornment. I also need to communicate with other people when we hold new exhibits for new artist, this requires me to pass out flyers, welcome them and ask if the want to register to be apart of the LAM family.