Essential Question
How can an artist best use Mexican folk art as an inspiration for their pieces?
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Blog 10: Senior Blog Update
1. What are you currently doing in your independent component?
- I am currently volunteering at the Latino Art Museum. There we have been setting up for upcoming exhibits. I have also been drawing my own pieces of art then my mentor will evaluate or determine where I can improve.
2. What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would have was significant in helping you understand where to go next in your senior project? The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November. Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.
- My recent piece of research was an Interview who's profession is making Paper Mache. With this interview I understood how exactly paper mache is made in Mexico. He showed me step by step what I need to do. and how to do it. This helped me understand where to go next with my senior project because the way that he was making it really fascinated me. Compared to all the other folk crafts there are in Mexico this on is my favorite. So by watching this video I think I will be focusing more on paper mache.
3. Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did. For example, a photo of something your working on for you independent component or your notes from the video you watched.

Isamar Quiroz- Portrait
- I am currently volunteering at the Latino Art Museum. There we have been setting up for upcoming exhibits. I have also been drawing my own pieces of art then my mentor will evaluate or determine where I can improve.
2. What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would have was significant in helping you understand where to go next in your senior project? The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November. Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.
- My recent piece of research was an Interview who's profession is making Paper Mache. With this interview I understood how exactly paper mache is made in Mexico. He showed me step by step what I need to do. and how to do it. This helped me understand where to go next with my senior project because the way that he was making it really fascinated me. Compared to all the other folk crafts there are in Mexico this on is my favorite. So by watching this video I think I will be focusing more on paper mache.
3. Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did. For example, a photo of something your working on for you independent component or your notes from the video you watched.
Isamar Quiroz- Portrait
Friday, November 9, 2012
Blog 5b: Science Fair Proposal
1.) Mexican Folk Art
2.) There are many different ways of making paper mache and I want to know which technique is the best for paper mache. " Ideally, the best Paper Mache would be made with natural ingredients only, in order to be healthier, and not dependent on a highly specialized industry." - Mathien Rene August 21, 2010
3.) If I use the method of shredded newspaper to make paper mache, then it will be reliable than the other methods.
4.) I am planning to find all the paper mache mixture and determining which one is the best. I will be making each mixture and form each of them into a sheet of paper, I will repeat the same procedures for the other mixtures and make sure the sheets are the same size. I will then place it at the end of to table so I can be able to use a tool the calculates the force in Newtons. I will place it on the papier mache and pull to see how much force it takes to break the papier mache. I will do this for all the three methods 10 times and detremine which one is stronger.
5.) Biochem or Chemistry
2.) There are many different ways of making paper mache and I want to know which technique is the best for paper mache. " Ideally, the best Paper Mache would be made with natural ingredients only, in order to be healthier, and not dependent on a highly specialized industry." - Mathien Rene August 21, 2010
3.) If I use the method of shredded newspaper to make paper mache, then it will be reliable than the other methods.
4.) I am planning to find all the paper mache mixture and determining which one is the best. I will be making each mixture and form each of them into a sheet of paper, I will repeat the same procedures for the other mixtures and make sure the sheets are the same size. I will then place it at the end of to table so I can be able to use a tool the calculates the force in Newtons. I will place it on the papier mache and pull to see how much force it takes to break the papier mache. I will do this for all the three methods 10 times and detremine which one is stronger.
5.) Biochem or Chemistry
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Blog 9: Working EQ and Possible Answers
1.) What makes a folk art piece stand out from others?
2.) I am not going to revise my EQ at this time.
3.) The techniques that different folk artist use in their art, the colors and if they are originals.
2.) I am not going to revise my EQ at this time.
3.) The techniques that different folk artist use in their art, the colors and if they are originals.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Plan Approval
1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
- I plan on volunteering at a museum of Mexican art for my independent component.
2. Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
I think it will meet the 30 hour requirement because I will be working with my mentor and learning from them
3. How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?
- It relates to my working EQ because I will be exposed to different types of art in the museum and be able to see what makes a piece batter than another.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Blog 6: Second Interview
The purpose of the second interview is justify you mentor as an expert in the field. Thus, you will be asking at least 5 questions about their background of the organization or the company where they work for.
-How long have you been interested in Mexican art? What media do you use to paint? Does your work have a specific meaning or style to it? Do you sell your work? Do teach or are you willing to? What is your job for the company you work for? How long have you been working with this company?
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Blog: 4 EQ
The Pentagon:
(1) Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?
- On positive thing that has occurred so far was that by doing my research on my topic I was able to find different types of art that had not heard of. Allowing me to know more about it and expand my research.
(2) EQ Content: Pick a piece of research or your interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of you topic?
- Yes, my interview has helped me improve my understanding of my topic by teaching me more about the history and the origins of it. My interviewee taught me about the different types of artist and styles, but also the variety of topics I can focus on.
(3) What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
- I have a lot of different arts to choose from allowing me to research more about the so that I'm able to focus on one specific topic.
(4) What hasn't worked so far?
- It has been hard to find research because it is very limiting making it hard to find what is required. Finding a mentor has been a little bit difficult because I think I want to focus more on the folk art instead of just Mexican art in general.
(5) Finding the Value: Based on your experience so far,
- What possible question or questions come to mind regarding what you would like to study this year (don't list questions about the instructions relating to the senior project)?
- What is your end goal this year with your senior project (don't say get a good grade or gain knowledge, put specific things you want to accomplish in you senior project this year)?
- Who would you like to talk to next? Why?
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Blog: 5a Science Fair Problem Statement
1. Mexican Folk Art
2. Paper mache a type of folk art, tears really easily depending on the techniques used to make a sculptor. I plan to solve this problem by seeing the order it's made or the types of materials that people use to make a paper mache sculptor and come up with the best technique from preventing it to tear.
3. I'm not quite sure the second problem. But i'm trying to figure out what I can do if the problem was the paint that they use on folk art.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Blog 3: Interview Preparation
1. Who do you plan to interview? Why?
Well I don't have an interviewee yet. But I'm focused on interviewing someone who really understands the art of Mexico or even the types of techniques that they use. I want to interview an artist that paints similar to Mexico artist. Interviewing someone that knows a lot about Mexican art will help me pick a specific topic to choose for my senior year and will also introduce me to other styles or techniques that I have not been exposed to.
2. You have to ask 5 questions. What additional questions do you plan to ask?
I don't plan on asking additional question because I think the 5 questions required can give me an extensive and general understanding of my topic. My main concern is to interview a Mexican artist that has the experience, education and creative thinking as an artist of Mexican decent.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Blog 2
a. My topic is Mexican Art, I chose this because it's part of my culture and I've been surrounded by it my whole life. I was taught to appreciate the different kinds of mexican art and mediums. I've grown up listen to stories about amazing mexcian artist that I have been curious to know more about.
- Ipoly citzen: I plan to complete all my work and show what ipoly has taught me all these years because you have to be a good Ipoly student by not procrastinating.
- Effective Communicator: I plan to interact with artist to teach me more about my topic this will make me more effective as a communicator because I will understand the communication skills required to talk to someone important or being able to ask questions with out hesitation.
- Effective Learner: I plan to use the skills to really get to know my topic and eventually creating my own art bu using the techniques that I learned this will make me a more effective as a learner because I will be able to show what I learned to the students.
- Effective User of Technology: I plan to get enough information by researching the history and the artist this will make me more effective as a user of technology because I'll be more wise when it comes to using the internet.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Blog 1: Summer Mentorship Experience
Literal: Milan Soccer Team- 14 hours
Contact Information: Ricardo (909) 630-1599
- Stretched and ran 2 or 3 laps (depending on the results of the game prior)
- Set up cones for a variety of drills for control, speed, passing and headers
- Set up cones to practice on goal shots
- Scrimmage with the team
- How often should you play in order to become better?
- How do you improve your touch and feel for a soccer game?
- What kind of mental state should you be in to have a good game?
- What is the most effective way to show your skills on the field?
What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
The most important thing I gained from this experience is that practicing with your team gains more trust. I also experienced that I gained was that communication is a big thing in practice and games. By practicing I was able to see how each player plays and what we all need to improve on. I noticed that my team has improved their communication skills and passing compared to our first couple games.
How did what you did help you choose a topic? Please explain.
Well I've always loved playing soccer and since I was recently put on a team I figured that picking it as my senior project would help me improve with my control and shooting by practicing more for my hours. But I'm not quite sure if I should stick with soccer or change my topic to Mexican Art or Mexican Folk Art because I also love Mexican Art. Unfortunately it has been difficult to find an artist for my hours, but we'll see.
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