Essential Question

How can an artist best use Mexican folk art as an inspiration for their pieces?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Blog 1: Summer Mentorship Experience

Literal: Milan Soccer Team- 14 hours

Contact Information:  Ricardo (909) 630-1599
  • Stretched and ran 2 or 3 laps (depending on the results of the game prior)
  • Set up cones for a variety of drills for control, speed, passing and headers
  • Set up cones to practice on goal shots
  • Scrimmage with the team
  • How often should you play in order to become better?
  • How do you improve your touch and feel for a soccer game?
  • What kind of mental state should you be in to have a good game?
  • What is the most effective way to show your skills on the field?

What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?

The most important thing I gained from this experience is that practicing with your team gains more trust. I also experienced that I gained was that communication is a big thing in practice and games. By practicing I was able to see how each player plays and what we all need to improve on. I noticed that my team has improved their communication skills and passing compared to our first couple games.

  How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.

Well I've always loved playing soccer and since I was recently put on a team I figured that picking it as my senior project would help me improve with my control and shooting by practicing more for my hours. But I'm not quite sure if I should stick with soccer or change my topic to Mexican Art or Mexican Folk Art because I also love Mexican Art. Unfortunately it has been difficult to find an artist for my hours, but we'll see.

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