Essential Question

How can an artist best use Mexican folk art as an inspiration for their pieces?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 17: Fourth Interview

1. How can an artist best use mexican folk art as an inspiration for their piece?
2. How does technique inspire an artist? 
3. What are the qualities that mexican folk art beholds?
4. What are some inspiring styles that you know of?
5. What makes them stand out?
6. What is the best way to create your own style?
7. Do you know someone who has inspired you in mexican folk art? How?
8. What was the reason that they inspired you?
9. How is technique an important factor when creating mexican folk art?
10. How does style play an important role in mexican folk art?
11. What type of mexican folk art would you like to do? Why?
12. How does material availability affect your work?
13. How does material inspire your creativity?
14. How is presentation of your piece important?
15. What are the inspiring artist that folk artist base their pieces on?
16. What makes them so inspiring?
17. How does an artist know when their piece is complete?
18. How has history played a role in mexican folk art?
19. How can an artists piece impact the community and create change?
20. What is the best way to create your own technique?

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